Monday, March 31, 2008

Warming up?

We have a family of red headed woodpeckers that live on our property. The knocking that commences with their arrival is a sure sign that a spring warm up is the near future. Today the weather man says a high of 58 degrees is expected. Granted that means it will be raining all day but, I am so excited I may even crack open a window or two to let a breath of fresh spring air slip through. Enjoy !!!


Stephanie said...

I'll take the 58 degrees with rain over 15 degrees and snow any day!!;) It was even kind of fun running in the rain to take Maddie to school today:) I step out on the porch everyday to take a peek at those sweet little dafodils and tulips popping up:)))) Ahhhhh spring!!

Ruthie said...

What a welcome sign of Spring! :)