Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

YAHOO!!! Yesterday was my birthday. I love my birthday and I really hope that I always will. This year I turned 32. I must say I have loved my thirty's so far. I have been gaining such a sense of who I am as a woman. An accomplished, attractive, and life loving woman. A woman who doesn't have to apologize for who I am. I like who I am. In fact I am learning more and more about who I am and what makes me that person. I have to say there is a certain peace that comes with that knowledge. My husband wrote a little about what he thinks of me on his blog. Of course I cried to know he holds me in such high esteem. However, I was pleased to see that the things that I have been striving to accomplish seem to be surfacing where my husband is concerned at least. I hope it has bled out into my other relationships.
I look forward to continue getting to know me. Happy Birthday ME.

A little side note of thanks to my family and friends for all the phone calls, cards, and gifts. It really made me feel special and loved to know I was being thought about by so many.

God Bless

Friday, February 22, 2008


My husband is the very best of husbands. He is patient and loving, kind and thoughtful. I have such a crush on him.

He however is an even better daddy. Dads are super special and important to our children. Not only to their hearts but to their actually development. I learned with our first child how true this is. Moms snuggle, kiss, comfort. Dads chase, throw in the air, toss in the pool, you know rough house. My children reveal in this attention. Even our 2 year old will run to the door when he walks in for a super squeeze and belly nibble from her daddy. I know what moms do is important but oh those daddies. Girls if you do nothing else to the father of your children do not, I repeat do not correct them when they toss that baby in the air, do not have a fit when the wrestle those kids to the ground and tickle them till they scream because they need it. Both the dads and the kids. After awhile you'll even catch yourself laughing with them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hello make that

Feeling inspired

So after much thought and deliberation I have decided to open a second blog. The topics of this blog with go primarily to homeschooling and my catholic faith. I hope any and all will visit from time to time but worry not. I will still be a searching soul blogging at this location.
Stay warm everyone.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Found something

So not to long ago somebody said some really not nice things about me. This person is unaware that I am aware but thats a long story.
I fumed for about a week, ranted for a few days, and then proceded to pray for the wisdom to handle it as Jesus would want me to. It takes me while sometimes.
Anyway I decided to use the experiance to learn a little more about myself.
Here goes, the not nice things had to do with the choices I have made in my life to be a stay at home mom and a homeschooling mom. The two biggest decisions I have made in my life. At first I thought "how dare they, they have no idea who I am and why I do what I do" then I relized.....duh, of course they don't or it wouldn't have been said. Fast forward to moment of enlightenment. I am my childrens mother. I am their caretaker and educator. I will love them like no one else. I have been entrusted with giving them the tools in life to make good people out of them. Christ gave all of these gifts and responsibilites to me. This is my vocation. My calling in life. Christ called me and I responded. I took the challange that this lifestyle entailes and will do my best to keep it working. This challange to my character is simply an opportuninty by God to refreshen my reslove to follow the path he has laid out for me.
We are all called to different things in life. Gods plan for each of us is as unique and as beautiful and we are. I feel so refreshed to have such a clear sense of where He wants me. (at least for now)