Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Do you ever?

Do you ever just want to putter around?

As a mom and homemaker there is always a long list of to dos. Today my list of to dos is so long it seems forboding. So I have managed to use my time this morning reading some of my favorite blogs to find inspiration. But, I can't help but want to just hang out with the kids, maybe go to the used book store and find us all a good read, then come home to make a simple dinner of Tacos. Oh that sounds so good.

However I will get up after I post this go start another load of laundry and dishes, make lunch, and go clean all three floors of my house in the next few hours. Yeah, somehow that just doesn't sound like as much fun. I will however take the kids to that book store as a reward later today.

There that felt a little better.

Here is a funny picture of me and my rose to leave you with.


Ruthie said...

Yep...totally feeling you on this one. Love the pic of you and your rosebud...what a cutie!

Stephanie said...

She is starting to look a lot like Grace:) Very Cute:))