Monday, March 03, 2008

Oh yeah a new toy

My darling husband and son Nathan bought me a new digital camera for my birthday. It arrived via Fed-Ex today. I don't care that the shipment got messed up cuz I'm just super excited to photograph my kids and us it on my blogs. I love to take pictures. It's one of my many hobbies that I dabble in. I once wrote how I secretly desired to be really good at one thing. That people would instantly think of me when a subject came up. (I know the subject of kids usually follows with my name but lets focus here.) Sewing, garding, singing, cross stitch,decortating, and photography seem to be my main points of interest. I guess I should pick one but well, to be blunt I get board so I jump around as inspiration strikes me. My poor hubby is really the only who suffers from my wandering hobbies, and he knew it when he married me. So here are my first pictures I took today with my new toy. Enjoy!


Stephanie said...

What beautiful little angels you have:) Oh yeah and Happy Birthday, I know it's late but if you didn't know it by now...I am always late on things like that;) My very best friend of almost 20 years just recieved her b-day gift and her b-day was in October:0
Lots of love to you, I miss you:)))

Ruthie said...

What a great looking crew...enjoy that new camera. I'm looking forward to seeing more picture posts!