Monday, March 31, 2008

Warming up?

We have a family of red headed woodpeckers that live on our property. The knocking that commences with their arrival is a sure sign that a spring warm up is the near future. Today the weather man says a high of 58 degrees is expected. Granted that means it will be raining all day but, I am so excited I may even crack open a window or two to let a breath of fresh spring air slip through. Enjoy !!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Joy x2

So this year on Easter Sunday we celebrated not only the rising of Our Lord but our little Rosebuds 2nd birthday. The day started out a little stressfull getting all the children ready for Mass but, once there all went well. I just love all the flowers and the sense of the rebirth of spring that comes with Easter Mass.

Rosie's birthday was just the (pardon the pun) icing on the cake. Our little angel looked as sweet as her strawberry cake and had oodles of fun with all her new prizes. I just love my kids birthdays. It always brings to mind the first moments I spent with them. How tiny they were and so full of promise for the future. Each of my children are so different and add so many blessings to my life. It is as if each of them was sent by God to fill a seperate part of my life.

Its no wonder I keep having more of them. The Lord has such purpose for all of their little lives.

Happy Birthday Rose!!!!

Halalujia to Our Risen Lord!!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

10 incredible years

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary. I always think back to what I was doing this day that many years ago when this momentous occasion arrives each year. I laugh at how early I got out of bed for a myriad of appointments in preparation for the big day only to find out the Ross crawled out of bed like 2 hours before. Our wedding was beautiful. My husband was so handsome and having our friends around us was such a blessing.

In our 10 years much has changed as is expected. 6 kids is the most notable. However our own personal relationship has gone thru its various stages as well. We have become more patient with each other and more respectful of the other as well. I think the respect we have for each other is the greatest aspect that keeps us so tightly bound together.

Maybe, I'll write more on my secrets to a fantastic marriage later cuz that's just what I have been blessed with .

So Happy Anniversary my darling. I Love You + 1.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Plug me in

Ok so most of you know my absence from the Internet is because we lost our Internet wireless card. Well its been found thanks to Ross and Gracie. It was for those interested to know under the unused antenna behind our flat screen tv. Only the Lord knows which kid put it there and why but I'm just glad to be plugged back in.

So here is a little reflection on being unplugged.

We (the whole family) gave up TV for lent. Now this is not a new concept for our family. I have traditionally put the TV in the upstairs closet for the summer in past years. However, we have never tried it in the cold winter when we are all locked in the house together 24/7. I have been surprised over all with how much I have not missed the noise or the distraction of the TV. I have also been surprised at how there were days when I really missed the noise and distraction of the TV. Mostly for the purpose of a late night movie and bag of popcorn or the occasional Food TV show for inspiration.
The kids have stopped asking if they can watch TV with exception of Colin. He still asked at least twice a day. They however have done well finding other distractions. Now my kids have never been allowed to watch endless hours of TV (on a regular basis). I will not pretend there haven't been days. I usually try to not entertain my kids on the philosophy that if they have to use their imaginations and each other to entertain themselves. It forces them to problem solve and be creative.
I think that proof of my theory has been found these last 40 days. They really have done well. Good Job kids!!! We have had multiple games invented and art pieces created.
I on the other hand until last week was just happy to entertain myself with the computer. The Internet has all sorts of things to keep one busy. Then the Internet disappeared. Maybe God hid the card? I read 3.5 novels last week. Not little ones either. I also had a lot more time for reflection on what I would blog about in certain moments. It was cathartic. So I guess this lent had a lot to offer me this year and I'm thankful for it. It has left me with a deep appreciation for the life I have around me. Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Do you ever?

Do you ever just want to putter around?

As a mom and homemaker there is always a long list of to dos. Today my list of to dos is so long it seems forboding. So I have managed to use my time this morning reading some of my favorite blogs to find inspiration. But, I can't help but want to just hang out with the kids, maybe go to the used book store and find us all a good read, then come home to make a simple dinner of Tacos. Oh that sounds so good.

However I will get up after I post this go start another load of laundry and dishes, make lunch, and go clean all three floors of my house in the next few hours. Yeah, somehow that just doesn't sound like as much fun. I will however take the kids to that book store as a reward later today.

There that felt a little better.

Here is a funny picture of me and my rose to leave you with.

Gardens, Gardens, all around

We bought our dream home last spring. Part of our dream, well my dream, is landscaping with lots of flowers and plants to look at and smell. Well our dream house came complete with 10 (at last count) flower beds. I roamed around yesterday and spent sometime visiting my sleeping jungle of color. Its still to cold for even my darling crocus to peak through the frozen ground.
When I last spoke to the former owner who planted most/all of what I have she and I agreed to the welcome of fall and winter to give us a break from the weed pulling and dead heading. However a long Michigan winter ensures a tremble of anticipation for the spring thaw that means a return to my leather gloves and garden clogs. Here of some pictures of my sleeping beauties.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Oh yeah a new toy

My darling husband and son Nathan bought me a new digital camera for my birthday. It arrived via Fed-Ex today. I don't care that the shipment got messed up cuz I'm just super excited to photograph my kids and us it on my blogs. I love to take pictures. It's one of my many hobbies that I dabble in. I once wrote how I secretly desired to be really good at one thing. That people would instantly think of me when a subject came up. (I know the subject of kids usually follows with my name but lets focus here.) Sewing, garding, singing, cross stitch,decortating, and photography seem to be my main points of interest. I guess I should pick one but well, to be blunt I get board so I jump around as inspiration strikes me. My poor hubby is really the only who suffers from my wandering hobbies, and he knew it when he married me. So here are my first pictures I took today with my new toy. Enjoy!