Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Y'a down with NKOTB

Its a good thing that I don't mind dating myself cuz I just found out some great news. New Kids on the Block is back together.
This was the group I adored as a pre-teen/ teenager. Donnie Wahlburg was my favorite and I have followed his film career for the last 10 years. I admit that seeing them this morning brought a smile to my face and a vivid walk down memory lane. My girlfriends and I all had a favorite and we formed our own female version of the group complete with choreographed dance moves. Boy were those the good 'ole days. I still have my collectible cards and pictures from the concert we went to. I remember thinking "I am actually breathing the same oxygen as Donnie!" Oh to be young again. Yes, I know......... I was that kookie.


Stephanie said...

Too funny!!!!! I heard the news too and immediately downloaded "Hangin tough and Right Stuff" Mike was not as excited as I was. It was very fun to reminice(spelling?). I even jumped up and kicked out a few of the old moves they did. Us girls did the same thing in my old basement, dance moves and all:)) Love it!!!!

Stephanie said...

where are you girl?? Hope everything is good!!! Have a great day:))