Monday, July 11, 2005

Trying to work on patience

So, I don't think I have made much mention of my family. I am proud to be married to the most amazing man on the planet. We have been together for almost 11 years now. Married for 7. He has this amazing gift of forgiveness and patience that constantly humbles and leaves me in awe. I can honestly say that my love for him can not be put into mere words. God has richly Blessed us with 4 incredible children. 6, 5, 3, and 2. Three boys and one girl. The last year has been a trial for me to be patient to have another child. I've gotten to the point where I'm ok with waiting another year ( the "ideal" time) but the week before and during my ovulation. It nearly drive me insane. Today I woke up with that "special Nausea" I get when I'm pregnate. I was convinced. Yes, finally. Then I took the test. NO, not today. No baby. Ouch!!!
So I pray for patience. I pray all day and God will help, but please hurry Lord.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Its a good day

Today is a good day. In my bible reflection I was reminded that in every new stranger I meet. I am meeting another of Gods children. A soul he loves and cares for regardless of how they feel about him. He looked out at the people and felt sorry for them for they seemed a flock of sheep without a sheperd. How wonderful he decided to take on that position. In my goal to become a good example of Christ's love to others, it came to me that I do try to think of the souls of those I meet. It also reminded me that I don't always treat EVERONE that way. There are those that cause me irritation and I loose that train of thought. So how do I change that behavior. Well when I am doing good. I think "what has made that persons day or life so bad that they would treat others that way?" Next question to self..... "how can I help?" Well if they are driving 80 miles per hour I can't exactly stop and give them a hug now can I. ? :) So of course I pray for their searching soul. However if I am able to speak to them I give them a big smile and say " I hope you have a good day." Any ounce of kindness is good and pleases God. Of this I am convinced. You never know you maybe the only person who shows that person kindness all day. I would much rather be remembered in a good way than a bad one.
Keep searching,
Kelli Marie

Its a good day

Today is a good day. In my bible reflection I was reminded that in every new stranger I meet. I am meeting another of Gods children. A soul he loves and cares for regardless of how they feel about him. He looked out at the people and felt sorry for them for they seemed a flock of sheep without a sheperd. How wonderful he decided to take on that position. In my goal to become a good example of Christ's love to others, it came to me that I do try to think of the souls of those I meet. It also reminded me that I don't always treat EVERONE that way. There are those that cause me irritation and I loose that train of thought. So how do I change that behavior. Well when I am doing good. I think "what has made that persons day or life so bad that they would treat others that way?" Next question to self..... "how can I help?" Well if they are driving 80 miles per hour I can't exactly stop and give them a hug now can I. ? :) So of course I pray for their searching soul. However if I am able to speak to them I give them a big smile and say " I hope you have a good day." Any ounce of kindness is good and pleases God. Of this I am convinced. You never know you maybe the only person who shows that person kindness all day. I would much rather be remembered in a good way than a bad one. Keep searching, Kelli Marie

Monday, June 13, 2005

Try and Try agian

Well here I am, back agian. The last 7 days have been great. I woke up last monday morning and relized something about how God wants me to be. My searching soul needs to remember that everyday is an opportunity to try agian. I've wasted so much precious time beating myself up for what I haven't accomplished. I have goals yes, and goals are important. I won't give them up but, and this is key. I don't have to accomplish them in a 6 hour period.

Goal #1 Increase time spent with God through prayer and study. With this being my number one goal I have started here. Oddly enough I found and extra 3 hours of my day I had been wasting. Now I get up at 5:30 in the morning. The kids aren't up till 7:30 sometimes 8. Ah ha! What am I giving up? You ask. No, not sleep. About and hour and half of TV at night.

Now get this, Goal # 2 Get the house in better condition with out loosing time with kids. So after prayer/ study time ( usually 1/2 hr) I have an extra hour and half to clean house and shower. Amazing. So what happens if I fail next week. I just try agian and keep trying till I get it right.

The only sins God won't forgive are those we quit trying to commit. The ones that we say "Oh well, I'm only human God will just have to accept that." Maybe he will ...........Maybe he won't. I personally am not willing to take that chance. So here I am, searching for the person God wants me to be . Everyday I get a little closer. There is so much hope in trying. Every new fresh day offers that chance.

Gods Blessing on you,
Kelli Marie

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

searching souls

So I chose Searching Souls. Thinking at first well yes I truely feel like a searching soul. Not for my souls betterment to Our Lord but for that perfect me who I'm supposed to be. The perfect wife, mom, friend, daughter, self. I really just feel like I'm looking and searching all the time. Somedays I wake up and think ah ha I found you. By the end of the day she has disappered. Blown away by some wind of stress come over me or feeling of failer.
Then I thought so what about those souls searching for a deeper relationship with God. What can I offer them if anything? I guess just the lessons I have learned and continue to learn. So I hope to offer that at times.
We are all searching for something aren't we. Especially in our world today. Our TVs say what they want us to buy to find the miracle cure. The ANSWERS. They haven't got it. Not the real IT.
Well I'll continue to search and maybe you can come with. Maybe we can help eachother.
Christ Blessings,