So I chose Searching Souls. Thinking at first well yes I truely feel like a searching soul. Not for my souls betterment to Our Lord but for that perfect me who I'm supposed to be. The perfect wife, mom, friend, daughter, self. I really just feel like I'm looking and searching all the time. Somedays I wake up and think ah ha I found you. By the end of the day she has disappered. Blown away by some wind of stress come over me or feeling of failer.
Then I thought so what about those souls searching for a deeper relationship with God. What can I offer them if anything? I guess just the lessons I have learned and continue to learn. So I hope to offer that at times.
We are all searching for something aren't we. Especially in our world today. Our TVs say what they want us to buy to find the miracle cure. The ANSWERS. They haven't got it. Not the real IT.
Well I'll continue to search and maybe you can come with. Maybe we can help eachother.
Christ Blessings,
14 years ago
Hi, kelli,
I look forward to reading more! Searching Souls is a very fitting title..aren't we all?
learning to rest,
Thank you for reading Ruth. I thank you for your inspiration. You have always been a woman I look up to .
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