Monday, May 19, 2008

37 weeks

This is where I am. Any woman who has given birth will recall the last two to three weeks of pregnancy when the entire world seems to want to stop you and ask how much longer? Even the guy at the gas station. My swollen belly has turned into question and answer session that I wish would end. Its not that I mind people asking very much. Its more about trying to keep myself from thinking about it every second of every day. Patience has never been my strong suit especially when its something I really want. This baby has chosen a time in our lives that to say the least is insane with other happenings. My poor husband is just trying to get his chicken coop built. All of the flower beds are full up of weeds that I cant really bend over to pull and the poor lawn just keeps growing faster that anybody can mow it. So I am trying to use the energy I have left toward getting some of these things caught up before the baby comes and I'm snuggled up on the couch nursing my sweet smelling baby all day and all night. Oh yeah and somewhere in there the kids and I must finish the last 4 weeks of school.
Oh really, to have such glorious things to worry about.


Stephanie said...

Hang in there girlfriend it's almost over. Can't wait to meet the little man! Miss Ya:))

Renee said...

"Oh really, to have such glorious things to worry about."

Now that is a beautiful perspective, one that I will borrow if you don't mind.

Best wishes for a restful end of your pregnancy, and then a blessed birth and baby moon!