Monday, October 01, 2007

10 things you most likely don't know about me

Ok Ruthie here's my list........
1. Every time I walk outside and the breeze hits my face I feel like God has just kissed me.

2. I absolutely love being Catholic even though in my youth I swore I never would be.

3. I am crazy about Lilacs. I think its because they are only around for such a short time each spring.

4. My new favorite meal is a bottle of Merlot, grapes, an aged cheddar and a loaf of fresh bread with my husband of course.

5. I believe all people are good they just have to let themselves be.

6. I love my friends so much sometimes I want to call them and tell them how much but I'm afraid they will think I'm weird.

7. I can only stand to be away from my kids for two days and then I start to ache for them. (but the two days are nice)

8. I really wish I were good at something. Not just pretty good at lots of little things. I would like to be know for an excellent talent in something.

9. I envy people with a strong ethnic heritage. I wish I weren't a hodgepodge of different nations. I would love to have those traditions to look to.

10. Ok so most of you know this but I am madly in love with my husband. There isn't a moment in my day I don't think of him.

So there it is some things you may have know some maybe not. I hope you enjoy .

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Thanks for playing much fun. I'm glad to know you better. I can relate to number 6...I'm the same way. Makes you wonder why we protect ourselves more in grown up friendships than in our younger years.