Friday, September 26, 2008

A little cheese with that Whine

I have intentionally kept away from blogging as of late because all I feel like doing is whining about all the wrongs in my life. The house, husband, kids, school, house, family, animals, house, garden, oh and did I mention the house.?! Although I typically find putting these thoughts to pen and paper (ok, computer screen) therapeutic, I hate to bore everyone.
So I will approach this day with optimism and attack my house chores with joy that I have a home to clean and a family to make it dirty again when I am done. After all how boring would my life be if I cleaned my house once and never had anyone to play with when I get done.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Glad to see you blogging again, I miss you. I can't really call because I keep going over on my minutes and my mom said to stop;) So you tell me a day when I can come see you and I would love to, or just stop by my place if you are in town k?
Love Ya:)))))