Thursday, October 25, 2007

Love little toes

So this is what our baby number six looks like right now at 8 weeks gestation. Look at those sweet little toes.

This is an excellent reminder to me of why I am suffering through 24 hour morning sickness. It's so easy to fall into a sense of self pity and frustration when you feel like crap all the time. I will keep my eye on the prize. ( sweet smelling baby) and remember as always "This too shall pass."

Friday, October 12, 2007

Gracie and Colin ( 2 of our 6)

Colin being super cool
Grace by the 'wise tree'
thought you would enjoy


I am a woman blessed with many friends. This didn't used to be something I could say about myself. I always had a friend in high school a few of them for long periods of time. But, as kids can be someone always got their panties in a bunch and that was the end of that. Of course I have always had a pension for the dramatic and usually ( I think anyway) was guilty of some offense or another. Thus ending that friendship. Fast forward about 4 years after graduation and I'm a lone without a girlfriend to chat with in sight.
Fortunately I have always had my Ross. This of course is my husband and best friend in the world. There are few things in this world that I wouldn't want to be doing with him but its those few things that we woman so desperately need.
So, there I was crying my eyes out begging God for a friend. Just someone I could call once in awhile to chat with or invite over for coffee, maybe a trip to the mall. You know 'girl time'.

You know how they say God answers all prayers, just sometimes the answer is no. Well I had grown accustom to the no. This time however God answered me with a giant YES.
Now I am a woman blessed with more friends than I could have ever hoped for. The kinds of friends I can literally call in the morning to just say Hi, yeah I know , its ok, thanks for listing, oh yeah a beer sounds great to bad i'm prego. Oh and your the best.
These woman are a constant source of inspiration, unconditional love, patience, kindness, laughs, tears, and most importantly friendship. I love you all and I thank and praise God for his gift of you in my life. My only hope is that I am a fraction of a friend to you that you have been to me.

Linda, Sarah, Ruthie, Stephanie S, Stephanie K, Ann, Marianne, the list goes on and on.

Hugs to you all,

P.S. Ross you are still my best friend I love you honey.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


So I suppose I have one more thing to add to 'things you don't know about me'.......

We will be having baby number 6 in June of '08. In fact this baby is due the same week as my oldest twos birthdays. We told the kids last night and they all had different reactions but all are thrilled. Devin is most worried about having enough seats in our new suburban for friends now. I told him we would work it ok. " well ok then I'm glad we get a new baby" he says. Hey everybody has their priorities.
Anyway yes, this baby was a bit of a surprise but aren't the gifts we don't expect to receive the most exciting. We are 5 weeks along and already the debate over names has begun amongst the kids. What an exciting winter we have before us.

Praise God for his miracle of life.

Monday, October 01, 2007

10 things you most likely don't know about me

Ok Ruthie here's my list........
1. Every time I walk outside and the breeze hits my face I feel like God has just kissed me.

2. I absolutely love being Catholic even though in my youth I swore I never would be.

3. I am crazy about Lilacs. I think its because they are only around for such a short time each spring.

4. My new favorite meal is a bottle of Merlot, grapes, an aged cheddar and a loaf of fresh bread with my husband of course.

5. I believe all people are good they just have to let themselves be.

6. I love my friends so much sometimes I want to call them and tell them how much but I'm afraid they will think I'm weird.

7. I can only stand to be away from my kids for two days and then I start to ache for them. (but the two days are nice)

8. I really wish I were good at something. Not just pretty good at lots of little things. I would like to be know for an excellent talent in something.

9. I envy people with a strong ethnic heritage. I wish I weren't a hodgepodge of different nations. I would love to have those traditions to look to.

10. Ok so most of you know this but I am madly in love with my husband. There isn't a moment in my day I don't think of him.

So there it is some things you may have know some maybe not. I hope you enjoy .