Friday, February 27, 2009

To have neglected this so badly

Oh how sorry I am to have neglected my blogs so badly. I forget how therapeutic it can be to just get it all out.
The weather here is still dark and cold. I keep trying to not wake up each day and wish for spring and instead it works out to be every other day that a little wish passes through my lips. Yesterday however as I stood at the sink washing dishes a bright red cardinal flew by. It was like he just came by for me. That zap of brilliant color in the picture of a grey world out my window felt like a memo from God saying, "Things may feel hopeless at times in your life but I am always here, I will be watching and waiting for you, I am the presences of warmth and color in your life."
It makes me think of how we get so attached to this earthy world. Thinking this must be the best there is and how we are afraid to leave it. If this world is just the grey part of our short lives here on earth and that little cardinal with its bright color is the heaven that awaits us than we must remain focused on the life to come.
Our Lord Jesus Christ knew that. He knew that we would get lost in our worldly obsessions, transfixed on the here and now. He knew that he had to bring us the kingdom of God and open the Gates of Heaven for us. The question is will we accept the invitation? Will we do what is required of us to gain our place with God for all eternity? Will we leave this grey world for the brilliance of Heaven?

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